[ 分潤金撥款設定]-海外公司戶填寫說明
[ Auto Payment Settings] - Instructions for Overseas Corporate
[ 稅務資料(企業海外)]
[Tax Information (Overseas Business)]
Please fill in the following fields: tax registration number, business registration details, company name, company address, and approved preferential tax rate letter.
[ 支付資料(企業海外)]
[Payment Information (Overseas Business)]
Please fill in the following fields: bank name, country code, SWIFT/BIC code, bank branch name, branch code, and bank account number. Additionally, upload proof of the bank account. (e.g. a copy of the passbook cover)
[ Payment Setting|查看分潤金撥款設定紀錄]
[Payment Setting | View Auto Payment Setting Records]
After the initial information submission, return to the "Auto Payment Settings" page to review or update your records.
[ Payment Setting|分潤金撥款設定審核結果通知 - Email ]
[Payment Setting | Auto Payment Setting Review Result Notification - Email]
Once the team has completed the information review (approved/rejected), you will receive a notification of the result via email and website messages.