Hi, 需要幫忙嗎?



[Return and delivery] 7-11 ibon Return Process

For Return and Refund cases, you will be required to return the product to the seller. 

When you select 7-11 as the return shipping method, please input your genuine personal information  and then select 【Confirm】(as shown on the left). The system will generate a 7-11 Tracking Number.

Go to any 7-11 store within the deadline and use the ibon machine to print the documents and complete the return shipment before the return Tracking Number expires.

You can also find the return Tracking Number for this order in the "Return/Refund Details" page of the order (as shown on the right).

👉After applying for a return, how should I send the items back?

🔸 How to use 7-11 for returning package:

中文版說明 👉 超商退貨物流服務 7-11 ibon 操作流程
